DMCA POLICY COMPLIANCE is in compliance with 17 U.S.C. 512 and the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). It is our policy to respond to any infringement notices and take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable intellectual property laws. has proper copyright enforcement policy to be in compliance with the requirements of the DMCA as a service provider. copyright enforcement policy consists of;

(1) Removing all infringing trans-loaded files from it’s servers within a timely manner, 96 hours or less.

(2) Responding to alleged infringement notifications from copyright holders submitted in written communication (DMCA REPORT FORM) by way of written response outlining actions to be taken or actions which have been taken to comply within 96 hours of receipt of infringement report.

Copyright holders are required to send report using the provided form which can be found here (DMCA REPORT FORM) and must provide specific criteria in order to be processed.

(1) Agent or Organization reporting alleged infringement must prove, under penalty of perjury, that they possess legal authority to enforce copyright for said copyrighted works as contracted or employed by said copyright holder.

(2) Proof of copyright ownership on file(s) claimed to be in violation.

(3) Signed communication authorizing rights to act on behalf of owner of said files.

Please allow up to 96 hours for an email response. Note that emailing your complaint to other parties such as our Internet Service Provider will not expedite your request and will absolutely result in a delayed response due to the complaint not being filed properly.
